
Welcome to GamerPro.Ca ARK servers cluster!

GamerPro.Ca was founded on June 10th 2012. We opened our GamerPro.Ca ARK servers cluster in July 2015.

We have been gradually increasing the size of our cluster over the years, and we will host all the official maps in one cluster

as they get released. We have also made a custom events map where we host multiple events for our community.

Free starter pack

Everyone joining the servers can claim a Free starter pack, which is an optional helping hand to get you started on the servers.

The pack includes a basic collection of items to help you build a small base and a Parasaur to warn you of dangers and scare away enemies.

Community areas

Safe zones, community forges and open taming traps are available on some of our maps. Everyone is free to start in our safe zones where PVP is disabled

until they are ready to explore on their own. Taming traps have been built to reduce clutter on the ma


- Experience: 40x

- Harvesting: 20x

- Taming speed: 24x

- Hatch speed: 4x

- Mature speed: 24x




Server rules




- One Pearl Cave By Tribe OR ALiance

- No build in Artifact Cave or PVE Zone For risk a Tribe Wipe

- No racism, abuse or any form of hate

- No hacking, exploiting or bug abusing

- No advertising or trolling

- Limit your building locations to 2 per map

- Keep chat clean, no spamming or inappropriate content

Staff information

Two admins are available to solve your issues. If you wish to report someone or something get in Discord if necessary.

We look forward to seeing you in-game!