Scroll down and watch the menu remain fixed in the same position, as though it was floating.







XP Boost


- xp_potion | 200 | XP Potion for survivors

- xp_dino_potion | 400 | XP Potion for tamed creatures

**(Do not upload the XP potions into the ARK DATA. It can not be downloaded once uploaded)



- fiber500 | 5 | Fiber (500x)

- thatch500 | 5 | Thatch (500x)

- wood500 | 5 | Wood (500x)

- fungalwood500 | 5 | Fungal Wood (500x)

- stone500 | 5 | Stone (500x)

- flint500 | 5 | Flint (500x)

- chitin500 | 5 | Chitin (500x)

- hide500 | 5 | Hide (500x)

- pelt500 | 5 | Pelt (500x)

- bluegems500 | 5 | Blue Gem (500x)

- greengems500 | 5 | Green Gem (500x)



- silk200 | 15 | Silk (200x)

- oil200 | 15 | Oil (200x)

- obsidian200 | 15 | Obsidian (200x)

- past200 | 15 | Cementing Paste (200x)

- pearls200 | 15 | Silica Pearls (200x)

- absorbent100 | 15 | Absorbent Substrate (100x)

- cactus100 | 15 | Cactus Sap (100x)

- refert100 | 15 | Re-Fertilizer (100x)

- sulfur100 | 15 | Sulfur (100x)

- honey100 | 15 | Giant Bee honey (100x)

- rareflower100 | 15 | Rare Flower (100x)

- ammonitebile100 | 120 | Ammonite Bile (100x)

- crystal500 | 15 | Crystal (500x)

- ingots500 | 15 | Metal Ingot (500x)

- poly500 | 15 | Polymer (500x)

- opoly500 | 15 | Organic Polymer (500x)

- redgems500 | 15 | Red Gem (500x)

- gasballs500 | 15 | Congealed Gas Ball (500x)

- fert50 | 30 | Fertilizer (50x)



- bloodpack | 15 | Blood Pack (1x)

- humanhair | 15 | Human Hair (30x)



- deathwormhorn | 60 | Deathworm horn (1x)

- alphacrystaltalon | 75 | Alpha Crystal Talon (1x)



- water | 15 | Filled Cantine (1x)

- food | 15 | Cooked Meat (200x)

- medbrew10 | 100 | Med Brew (10x)

- sleepingbag | 15 | Sleeping Bag (1x)

- bed | 15 | Simple Bed (1x)

- bunkbed | 60 | Bunk Bed (1x)

- gps | 15 | GPS (1x)

- flaregun | 15 | Flare Gun (1x)

- spyglass | 15 | Spyglass (1x)

- awspyglass | 30 | Awesome Spyglass (1x)

- narcotic100 | 15 | Narcotic (100x)

- tranq100 | 30 | Tranq Arrows (100x)

- darts100 | 45 | Tranq Darts (100x)

- cryopod | 60 | Empty cryopod (1x)

- cryofridge | 480 | SS cryofridge (1x)

- glider | 100 | Glider skin (1x)

- parachute | 30 | Parachute (1x)

- turret | 230 | SS Auto turret (1x) + AdvRifleBullets (250x)

- hturret | 460 | SS Heavy turret (1x) + AdvRifleBullets (500x)

- hturretpak10 | 1200 | SS Heavy turret Pack (10x)

- turretammo | 75 | Adv Rifle Bullets (250x)

- shotgunammo | 75 | Shotgun Bullets (200x)

- mindwipe | 50 | Mindwipe Tonic (1x)

- antidote | 50 | Lesser Antidote (1x)

- vault | 120 | Vault (1x)

- indiforge | 480 | SS Industrial Forge (1x)

- raft | 75 | Raft (1x)

- farmer | 240 | SS Farmer (1x)

- nanny | 250 | SS Nanny (1x)

- hatchery | 600 | SS Hatchery (1x)

- beehive | 300 | SS Bee hive (1x)

- fishingrod | 30 | Basic Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodfishingrod | 60 | Good Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicfishingrod | 400 | Epic Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legenfishingrod | 600 | Legendary Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 10)

- whip | 15 | Basic Whip (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodwhip | 60 | Good Whip (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicwhip | 120 | Epic Whip (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legenwhip | 240 | Legendary Whip (1x) (Quality: 10)

- chainsaw | 60 | Basic Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodchainsaw | 120 | Good Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicchainsaw | 240 | Epic Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legenchainsaw | 480 | Legendary Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 10)

- miningdrill | 200 | Basic Mining Drill (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodminingdrill | 460 | Good Mining Drill (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicminingdrill | 750 | Epic Mining Drill (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legenminingdrill | 1800 | Legendary Mining Drill (1x) (Quality: 10)

- climbingpick | 30 | Basic Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodclimbingpick | 60 | Good Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicclimbingpick | 120 | Epic Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legenclimbingpick | 240 | Legendary Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 10)

- gasmask | 120 | Basic Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 1)

- goodgasmask | 240 | Good Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 3)

- epicgasmask | 400 | Epic Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 5)

- legengasmask | 800 | Legendary Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 10)



- berryseedpack | 60 | Berry seed pack (Amarberry, Azulberry, Mejoberry, Narcoberry, Stimberry ,Tintoberry) (x50 each)

- vegseedpack | 120 | Vegetable seed pack (Citronal, Longrass, Rockarrot, Savoroot) (x50 each)

- xseedpack | 120 | X seed pack (x50)

- yseedpack | 120 | Y seed pack (x50)

- zseedpack | 200 | Z seed pack (x25)



- basickibble | 30 | Basic Kibble pack (x10)

- simplekibble | 60 | Simple Kibble pack (x10)

- regkibble | 90 | Regular Kibble pack (x10)

- superkibble | 120 | Superior Kibble pack (x10)

- excepkibble | 150 | Exceptional Kibble pack (x10)

- extrakibble | 180 | Extraordinary Kibble pack (x10)



- starterbase | 100 | Starter Base kit:

(2x2 stone base: Smithy x1, Forge x1, Mortar and pestle x1, Simple Bed x1, Preserving bin x1, Sparkpowder x500, Small storage x1, campfire x1)

- adv_starterbase | 5000 | Advanced Starter Base kit:

Warning, This is a big kit. Once you accept this kit you will weight aprox 2061weight. Make sure you have room. And make sure you have storage or a dino close.

See on the Hub map for an example build of this kit. Do not rely on this to be 100% safe. you need to make more ammo and find a bigger location. This kit includes:

1 Epic quality climbing pick to help with building this

40 Heavy turrets

40 Full Advanced rifle bullet stack (x500 bullets per stack)

12 SS large Metal Hatchframes

40 SS Metal foundations

2 SS Metal Gates & Gateways

61 SS Metal Walls

20 SS Metal Ceiling

1 SS Industrial Forge

2 SS Refrigerator

1 SS Vault

1 SS Bunkbed

10000 Gasoline (1 full stack)

1 SS Generator

1 SS Campfire

1 SS Cryofridge

1 SS Crafting station

1 SS Smithy

1 SS Fabricator

1 SS Chemistry Bench

1 SS Cooking Pot

2 SS Metal ramps

1 SS Metal Pipe Intake

1 SS Feeding Trough

- smalltrap | 240 | Small trap:

(3x3 (2 stone doorways high), Stones foundations x9, Stone doorways x24, Wooden Ramps x12, Wooden Spikes x15)

- mediumtrap | 360 | Medium trap:

(4x4 (3 stone doorways high), Stones foundations x16, Stone doorways x48, Wooden Ramps x24, Wooden Spikes x15)

- largetrap | 480 | Large trap:

(8x6 (4 stone doorways high), Stones foundations x50, Stone doorways x85, Behemoth Gate x1, Wooden Ramps x55, Wooden Spikes x15)

- grapplekit | 80 | Grappling Kit

(Basic Crossbow x1, Grappling Hook x5)

- ziplinekit | 80 | Zipline Kit

(Basic Crossbow x1, Zip-Line Anchor x5, Zip-Line Motor Attachment x1, Gasoline x10)

- tamingkit | 60 | Basic Taming Kit:

(Good Crossbow x1, Tranq Arrows x100, Narcotics 50x, Bolas 5x, Spyglass 1x, Dino Tracker x1)

- advtamingkit | 120 | Advanced Taming Kit:

(Longneck rifle, 75x Tranq Darts, x100 narcotics, 1x AwesomeSpyGlass)



- tools | 15 | Basic Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 1)

- goodtools | 120 | Good Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 3)

- epictools | 420 | Epic Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 5)

- legentools | 840 | Legendary Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 10)




- hidearmor | 30 | Basic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodhidearmor | 120 | Good Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epichidearmor | 400 | Epic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenhidearmor | 800 | Legendary Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- flakarmor | 60 | Basic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodflakarmor | 230 | Good Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epicflakarmor | 575 | Epic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenflakarmor | 1150 | Legendary Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- riotarmor | 100 | Basic Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodriotarmor | 275 | Good Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epicriotarmor | 600 | Epic Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenriotarmor | 1250 | Legendary Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)

TEK *Requires Tek Engrames first*


- tekarmor | 625 | Basic Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodtekarmor | 1250 | Good Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epictekarmor | 2250 | Epic Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legentekarmor | 4500 | Legendary Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- ghilliearmor | 60 | Basic Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodghilliearmor | 230 | Good Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epicghilliearmor | 575 | Epic Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenghilliearmor | 1150 | Legendary Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- furarmor | 120 | Basic Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodfurarmor | 380 | Good Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epicfurarmor | 650 | Epic Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenfurarmor | 1300 | Legendary Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- hazardskinset | 200 | Basic Hazard suit skin set (From Mod) (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands)

- hazardsuit | 200 | Basic Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- goodhazardsuit | 450 | Good Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- epichazardsuit | 750 | Epic Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- legenhazardsuit | 1500 | Legendary Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- scubasuit | 200 | Basic Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 1)

- goodscubasuit | 360 | Good Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 3)

- epicscubasuit | 600 | Epic Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 5)

- legenscubasuit | 1200 | Legendary Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 10)



- club | 50 | Wooden Club (Quality: 1)

- goodclub | 100 | Good Wooden Club (Quality: 3)

- epicclub | 250 | Epic Wooden Club (Quality: 5)

- legenclub | 500 | Legendary Wooden Club (Quality: 10)

- longneck | 100 | Longneck Rifle (Quality: 1)

- goodlongneck | 200 | Good Longneck Rifle (Quality: 3)

- epiclongneck | 500 | Epic Longneck Rifle (Quality: 5)

- legenlongneck | 1000 | Legendary Longneck Rifle (Quality: 10)

- compbow | 200 | Compound Bow (Quality: 1)

- goodcompbow | 360 | Good Compound Bow (Quality: 3)

- epiccompbow | 600 | Epic Compound Bow (Quality: 5)

- legencompbow | 1000 | Legendary Compound Bow (Quality: 10)

- shotgun | 120 | Pump Shotgun (Quality: 1)

- goodshotgun | 240 | Good Shotgun (Quality: 3)

- epicshotgun | 460 | Epic Shotgun (Quality: 5)

- legenshotgun | 920 | Legendary Shotgun (Quality: 10)

- assaultrifle | 120 | Assault Rifle (Quality: 1)

- goodassaultrifle | 240 | Good Assault Rifle (Quality: 3)

- epicassaultrifle | 460 | Epic Assault Rifle (Quality: 5)

- legenassaultrifle | 920 | Legendary Assault Rifle (Quality: 10)

- flamethrower | 120 | Flamethrower (Quality: 1)

- goodflamethrower | 240 | Good Flamethrower (Quality: 3)

- epicflamethrower | 460 | Epic Flamethrower (Quality: 5)

- legenflamethrower | 920 | Legendary Flamethrower (Quality: 10)

- sniper | 240 | Fabricated Sniper Rifle (Quality: 1)

- goodsniper | 460 | Good Fabricated Sniper Rifle (Quality: 3)

- epicsniper | 920 | Epic Fabricated Sniper Rifle (Quality: 5)

- legensniper | 1800 | Legendary Fabricated Sniper Rifle (Quality: 10)

- tekrifle | 750 | Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 1)

- goodtekrifle | 1450 | Good Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 3)

- epictekrifle | 3000 | Epic Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 5)

- legentekrifle | 5500 | Legendary Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 10)

- teksword | 750 | Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 1)

- goodteksword | 1450 | Good Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 3)

- epicteksword | 3000 | Epic Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 5)

- legenteksword | 5500 | Legendary Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 10)



- bp_tools | 120 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtools | 500 | BlueprintKIT: Good Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictools | 750 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentools | 1500 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Tools (Metal Hatchet, Metal Pick, Metal Sickle, Metal Pike) (Quality: 10)



- bp_fishingrod | 90 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodfishingrod | 180 | BlueprintKIT: Good Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicfishingrod | 1200 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenfishingrod | 1800 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Fishing Rod (1x) (Quality: 10)

- bp_whip | 150 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Whip (1x) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodwhip | 300 | BlueprintKIT: Good Whip (1x) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicwhip | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Whip (1x) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenwhip | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Whip (1x) (Quality: 10)

- bp_chainsaw | 150 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodchainsaw | 300 | BlueprintKIT: Good Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicchainsaw | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenchainsaw | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Chainsaw (1x) (Quality: 10)

- bp_climbingpick | 150 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodclimbingpick | 300 | BlueprintKIT: Good Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicclimbingpick | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenclimbingpick | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Climbing Pick (1x) (Quality: 10)

- bp_gasmask | 300 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodgasmask | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Good Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicgasmask | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legengasmask | 1200 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Gas Mask (1x) (Quality: 10)




- bp_hidearmor | 360 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Hide Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodhidearmor | 575 | BlueprintKIT: Good Hide Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epichidearmor | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Hide Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenhidearmor | 1700 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Hide Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_flakarmor | 500 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodflakarmor | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Good Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicflakarmor | 1750 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legendaryflakarmor | 3500 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Flak Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_riotarmor | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodriotarmor | 950 | BlueprintKIT: Good Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicriotarmor | 2000 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenriotarmor | 3750 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Riot Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)

TEK BLUEPRINT KITS *Requires Tek Engrames first*


- bp_tekarmor | 1500 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtekarmor | 3500 | BlueprintKIT: Good Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictekarmor | 5000 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentekarmor | 10000 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Tek Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_ghilliearmor | 500 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodghilliearmor | 850 | BlueprintKIT: Good Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicghilliearmor | 1750 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Bootfs, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenghilliearmor | 3500 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Ghillie Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_furarmor | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodfurarmor | 950 | BlueprintKIT: Good Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicfurarmor | 2000 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenfurarmor | 4000 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Fur Armor (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_hazardsuit | 600 | BlueprintKIT: Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodhazardsuit | 1200 | BlueprintKIT: Good Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epichazardsuit | 2000 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenhazardsuit | 4000 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Hazard suit (Head, Chest, Leggings, Boots, Hands) (Quality: 10)



- bp_scubasuit | 450 | BlueprintKIT: Basic Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodscubasuit | 650 | BlueprintKIT: Good Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicscubasuit | 950 | BlueprintKIT: Epic Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenscubasuit | 1900 | BlueprintKIT: Legendary Scuba suit (Mask, Tank, Leggings, Flippers) (Quality: 10)



- bp_club | 100 | Wooden Club Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodclub | 200 | Good Wooden Club Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicclub | 500 | Epic Wooden Club Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenclub | 1000 | Legendary Wooden Club Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_longneck | 350 | Longneck Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodlongneck | 750 | Good Longneck Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epiclongneck | 1000 | Epic Longneck Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenlongneck | 2000 | Legendary Longneck Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_compbow | 400 | Compound Bow Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodcompbow | 860 | Good Compound Bow Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epiccompbow | 1200 | Epic Compound Bow Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legendarycompbow | 2700 | Legendary Compound Bow Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_shotgun | 350 | Pump Shotgun Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodshotgun | 750 | Good Pump Shotgun Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicshotgun | 1000 | Epic Pump Shotgun Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenshotgun | 2000 | Legendary Pump Shotgun Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_flamethrower | 350 | Flamethrower Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodflamethrower | 750 | Good Flamethrower Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicflamethrower | 1000 | Epic Flamethrower Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenflamethrower | 2000 | Legendary Flamethrower Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_sniper | 750 | Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodsniper | 1000 | Good Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicsniper | 2000 | Epic Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 5)

- bp_legendarysniper | 3500 | Legendary Fabricated Sniper Rifle Blueprint (Quality: 10)

- bp_tekrifle | 1450 | Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtekrifle | 3000 | Good Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictekrifle | 5500 | Epic Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentekrifle | 10000 | Legendary Tek Rifle *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 10)

- bp_teksword | 1450 | Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodteksword | 3000 | Good Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicteksword | 5500 | Epic Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenteksword | 10000 | Legendary Tek Sword *Requires Tek Engrames first* (Quality: 10)



- artifact_brute | 240 | Artifact Of The Brute x1

- artifact_clever | 240 | Artifact Of The Clever x1

- artifact_cunning | 240 | Artifact Of The Cunning x1

- artifact_devourer | 240 | Artifact Of The Devourer x1

- artifact_hunter | 240 | Artifact Of The Hunter x1

- artifact_immune | 240 | Artifact Of The Immune x1

- artifact_massive | 240 | Artifact Of The Massive x1

- artifact_pack | 240 | Artifact Of The Pack x1

- artifact_skylord | 240 | Artifact Of The Skylord x1

- artifact_strong | 240 | Artifact Of The Strong x1

- artifact_gatekeeper | 240 | Artifact Of The Gatekeeper x1

- artifact_crag | 240 | Artifact Of The Crag x1

- artifact_destroyer | 240 | Artifact Of The Destroyer x1

- artifact_depths | 240 | Artifact Of The Depths x1

- artifact_shadows | 240 | Artifact Of The Shadows x1

- artifact_stalker | 240 | Artifact Of The Stalker x1

- artifact_devious | 240 | Artifact Of The Devious x1

- artifact_lost | 240 | Artifact Of The Lost x1

- artifact_void | 240 | Artifact Of the Void x1

- artifact_chaos | 240 | Artifact Of Chaos x1

- artifact_growth | 240 | Artifact Of Growth x1

Boss item Packs (Artifacts + All tributes)

* Only buy theses packs on the maps that they are intended for.

* Theses kits have the same level requirement than in the obelisk to trigger them.


- boss_summon_kit_isl_brood | 1500 | All Artifacts (3) (Clever, Hunter, Massive) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Broodmother TheIsland portal. (1 boss)

- boss_summon_kit_isl_mega | 1500 | All Artifacts (3) (Brute, Devourer, Pack) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Megapithecus TheIsland portal. (1 boss)

- boss_summon_kit_isl_dragon | 2500 | All Artifacts (4) (Cunning, Immune, Skylord, Strong) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Dragon TheIsland portal. (1 boss)

- boss_summon_kit_abr_rockwell | 3000 | All Artifacts (3) (Depths, Shadow, Stalker) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Rockwell Aberration portal. (1 boss)

- boss_summon_kit_center | 3500 | All Artifacts (5) (Brute, Clever, Devourer, Hunter, Massive, Pack) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Center portal. (2 bosses, Brood, Mega)

- boss_summon_kit_rag | 4500 | All Artifacts (10) (Clever, Cunning, Devious, Devourer, Hunter, Immune, massive, Pack, Skylord, Strong) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Ragnarok portal. (2 bosses, Dragon, Manticore)

- boss_summon_kit_valguero | 4000 | All Artifacts (4) (Brute, Crag, Destroyer, Gatekeeper) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Guardian's sanctuary portal. (3 bosses, Mega, Dragon, Manticore)

- boss_summon_kit_crystal | 4000 | All Artifacts (7) (Crag, Destroyer, Gatekeeper, Lost, Pack, Shadow, Stalker) and tributes required to summon the Alpha Crystal wyvern Queen portal. (1 boss)

- boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_gamma | 3000 | All Gamma Trophies (Broodmother, Megapithecus, Dragon) required to summon the Gamma tek cave Ascention portal on TheIsland.

- boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_beta | 4500 | All Beta Trophies (Broodmother, Megapithecus, Dragon) and tributes required to summon the Beta tek cave Ascention portal on TheIsland.

- boss_summon_kit_isl_asc_alpha | 7500 | All Alpha Trophies (Broodmother, Megapithecus, Dragon) and tributes required to summon the Alpha tek cave Ascention portal on TheIsland.

King titan Trophies


- king_titan_trophy_gamma | 6000 | King Titan Trophy (Gamma) x1

- king_titan_trophy_beta | 8000 | King Titan Trophy (Beta) x1

- king_titan_trophy_alpha | 15000 | King Titan Trophy (Alpha) x1


*Survivior Level 100 required to buy


- unlock_broodmother_tek | 6000 | Unlock all the Broodmother's Lysrix TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_mega_tek | 8000 | Unlock all the Megapithecus`s TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_dragon_tek | 10000 | Unlock all the Dragon's TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_rockwell_tek | 10000 | Unlock all Rockwell's TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_moeder_tek | 15000 | Unlock all Moeder, Master of the Ocean's TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_mastercontroller_tek | 25000 | Unlock all The Corrupted Master Controller's TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha)

- unlock_rockwellprime_tek | 45000 | Unlock all of Rockwell Prime's TEK engrams (Gamma/Beta/Alpha) ?` To use, type in chat box: /buy dino_id





- verylowparasaur | 25 | Level 5 Parasaur

- lowparasaur | 150 | Level 225 Parasaur

- parasaur | 300 | Neutered Level 449 Parasaur

- breedparasaur | 600 | UnNeutered Level 449 Parasaur

- parasaursaddle | 30 | Basic Parasaur Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodparasaursaddle | 60 | Good Parasaur Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowtekparasaur | 30 | Level 6 Tek Parasaur

- lowtekparasaur | 200 | Level 270 Tek Parasaur

- tekparasaur | 500 | Neutered Level 538 Tek Parasaur

- breedtekparasaur | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 538 Tek Parasaur

- verylowcarno | 50 | Level 5 Carnotaurus

- lowcarno | 250 | Level 225 Carnotaurus

- carno | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Carnotaurus

- breedcarno | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Carnotaurus

- carnosaddle | 30 | Basic Carnotaurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodcarnosaddle | 60 | Good Carnotaurus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowravager | 50 | Level 5 Ravager

- lowravager | 250 | Level 225 Ravager

- ravager | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Ravager

- breedravager | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Ravager

- ravagersaddle | 30 | Basic Ravager Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodravagersaddle | 60 | Good Ravager Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowdirebear | 50 | Level 5 Direbear

- lowdirebear | 250 | Level 225 Direbear

- direbear | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Direbear

- breeddirebear | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Direbear

- direbearsaddle | 30 | Basic Direbear Saddle (Quality: 0)

- gooddirebearsaddle | 60 | Good Direbear Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowcarbo | 50 | Level 5 Carbonemys

- lowcarbo | 175 | Level 225 Carbonemys

- carbo | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Carbonemys

- breedcarbo | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Carbonemys

- carbosaddle | 30 | Basic Carbonemys Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodcarbosaddle | 60 | Good Carbonemys Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowrcarbo | 75 | Level 5 R-Carbonemys

- lowrcarbo | 225 | Level 225 R-Carbonemys

- rcarbo | 700 | Neutered Level 449 R-Carbonemys

- breedrcarbo | 1275 | UnNeutered Level 449 R-Carbonemys

- verylowtrike | 50 | Level 5 Triceratops

- lowtrike | 175 | Level 225 Triceratops

- trike | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Triceratops

- breedtrike | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Triceratops

- trikesaddle | 30 | Basic Triceratops Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodtrikesaddle | 60 | Good Triceratops Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowstego | 50 | Level 5 Stego

- lowstego | 175 | Level 225 Stego

- stego | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Stego

- breedstego | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Stego

- stegosaddle | 30 | Basic Stego Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodstegosaddle | 60 | Good Stego Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowtekstego | 75 | Level 5 Tek Stego

- lowtekstego | 225 | Level 270 Tek Stego

- tekstego | 750 | Neutered Level 538 Tek Stego

- breedtekstego | 1500 | UnNeutered Level 538 Tek Stego

- verylowanky | 50 | Level 5 Ankylosaurus

- lowanky | 250 | Level 225 Ankylosaurus

- anky | 500 | | Neutered Level 449 Ankylosaurus

- breedanky | 1000 | | UnNeutered Level 449 Ankylosaurus

- ankysaddle | 30 | Basic Ankylosaurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodankysaddle | 60 | Good Ankylosaurus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowdoed | 50 | Level 5 Doedicurus

- lowdoed | 250 | Level 225 Doedicurus

- doed | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Doedicurus

- breeddoed | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Doedicurus

- doedsaddle | 30 | Basic Doedicurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- gooddoedsaddle | 60 | Good Doedicurus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowcasto | 50 | Level 5 Castoroides

- lowcasto | 250 | Level 225 Castoroides

- casto | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Castoroides

- breedcasto | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Castoroides

- castosaddle | 30 | Basic Castoroides Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodcastosaddle | 60 | Good Castoroides Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowbeelzebufo | 50 | Level 5 Beelzebufo

- lowbeelzebufo | 300 | Level 225 Beelzebufo

- beelzebufo | 600 | Neutered Level 449 Beelzebufo

- breedbeelzebufo | 1200 | UnNeutered Level 449 Beelzebufo

- beelzebufosaddle | 30 | Basic Beelzebufo Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodbeelzebufosaddle | 60 | Good Beelzebufo Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowdaeodon | 50 | Level 5 Daeodon

- lowdaeodon | 150 | Level 225 Daeodon

- daeodon | 450 | Neutered Level 449 Daeodon

- breeddaeodon | 900 | UnNeutered Level 449 Daeodon

- daeodonsaddle | 30 | Basic Daeodon Saddle (Quality: 0)

- gooddaeodonaddle | 60 | Good Daeodon Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowproco | 50 | Level 5 Procoptodon

- lowproco | 175 | Level 225 Procoptodon

- proco | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Procoptodon

- breedproco | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Procoptodon

- procosaddle | 30 | Basic Procoptodon Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodprocoaddle | 60 | Good Procoptodon Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowarthro | 100 | Level 5 Arthropluera

- lowarthro | 300 | Level 225 Arthropluera

- arthro | 600 | Neutered Level 449 Arthropluera

- breedarthro | 1200 | UnNeutered Level 449 Arthropluera

- arthrosaddle | 30 | Basic Arthropluera Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodarthrosaddle | 60 | Good Arthropluera Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowtheri | 75 | Level 5 Therizinosaur

- lowtheri | 400 | Level 225 Therizinosaur

- theri | 800 | Neutered Level 449 Therizinosaur

- breedtheri | 1600 | UnNeutered Level 449 Therizinosaur

- therisaddle | 30 | Basic Therizinosaur Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodtherisaddle | 60 | Good Therizinosaur Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowmantis | 75 | Level 5 Mantis

- lowmantis | 400 | Level 225 Mantis

- mantis | 800 | Neutered Level 449 Mantis

- breedmantis | 1600 | UnNeutered Level 449 Mantis

- mantissaddle | 30 | Basic Mantis Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmantissaddle | 60 | Good Mantis Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowkark | 75 | Level 5 Karkinos

- lowkark | 800 | Level 225 Karkinos

- kark | 1600 | Level 449 Karkinosaw

- karksaddle 30 | Basic Karkinos Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodkarksaddle 60 | Good Karkinos Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowmegalos | 75 | Level 5 Aberrant Megalosaurus

- lowmegalos | 325 | Level 225 Aberrant Megalosaurus

- megalos | 750 | Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Megalosaurus

- breedmegalos | 1500 | UnNeutered Level 449 Aberrant Megalosaurus

- megalossaddle | 30 | Basic Megalosaurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmegalossaddle | 60 | Good Megalosaurus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowrex | 75 | Level 5 Rex

- lowrex | 500 | Level 225 Rex

- rex | 1000 | Neutered Level 449 Rex

- breedrex | 2000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Rex

- rexsaddle | 30 | Basic Rex Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodrexsaddle | 60 | Good Rex Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowtekrex | 75 | Level 6 Tek Rex

- lowtekrex | 600 | Level 270 Tek Rex

- tekrex | 1500 | Neutered Level 539 Tek Rex

- breedtekrex | 3000 | UnNeutered Level 539 Tek Rex

- verylowyuty | 75 | Level 5 Yutyrannus

- lowyuty | 500 | Level 225 Yutyrannus

- yuty | 1000 | Neutered Level 449 Yutyrannus

- breedyuty | 2000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Yutyrannus

- yutysaddle | 30 | Basic Yutyrannus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodyutysaddle | 60 | Good Yutyrannus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowmega | 50 | Level 5 Megatherium

- lowmega | 500 | Level 225 Megatherium

- mega | 1000 | Neutered Level 449 Megatherium

- breedmega | 2000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Megatherium

- megasaddle | 30 | Basic Megatherium Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmegasaddle | 60 | Good Megatherium Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowspino | 75 | Level 5 Spinosaur

- lowspino | 500 | Level 225 Spinosaur

- spino | 1000 | Neutered Level 449 Spinosaur

- breedspino | 2000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Spinosaur

- spinosaddle | 30 | Basic Spinosaur Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodspinosaddle | 60 | Good Spinosaur Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowrockelemental | 250 | Level 5 Rock Elemental

- lowrockelemental | 1000 | Level 225 Rock Elemental

- rockelemental | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Rock Elemental

- rockelementalsaddle | 30 | Basic Rock Elemental Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodrockelementalsaddle | 60 | Good Rock Elemental Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowreaper | 200 | Level 5 Reaper King

- lowreaper | 1000 | Level 225 Reaper King

- reaper | 2000 | Level 375 Reaper King

- verylowbasilisk | 200 | Level 5 Basilisk

- lowbasilisk | 1000 | Level 225 Basilisk

- basilisk | 2000 | Level 449 Basilisk

- basilisksaddle | 30 | Basic Basilisk Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodbasilisksaddle | 60 | Good Basilisk Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowbulbdog | 25 | Level 5 Bulbdog

- lowbulbdog | 100 | Level 225 Bulbdog

- bulbdog | 200 | Neutered Level 449 Bulbdog

- breedbulbdog | 400 | UnNeutered Level 449 Bulbdog

- verylowdungbeetle | 25 | Level 5 Aberrant Dung Beetle

- lowdungbeetle | 100 | Level 225 Aberrant Dung Beetle

- dungbeetle | 200 | Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Dung Beetle

- verylowrollrat | 50 | Level 5 Roll Rat

- lowrollrat | 250 | Level 225 Roll Rat

- rollrat | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Roll Rat

- breedrollrat | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Roll Rat

- rollratsaddle | 30 | Basic Roll Rat Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodrollratsaddle | 60 | Good Roll Rat Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowpara | 120 | Level 5 Aberrant Paraceratherium

- lowpara | 600 | Level 225 Aberrant Paraceratherium

- para | 850 | Neutered Level 449 Aberrant Paraceratherium

- breedpara | 1700 | UnNeutered Level 449 Aberrant Paraceratherium

- parasaddle | 30 | Basic Paraceratherium Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodparasaddle | 60 | Good Paraceratherium Saddle (Quality: 2)

- paraplatsaddle | 60 | Basic Platform Paraceratherium Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodparaplatsaddle | 100 | Good Platform Paraceratherium Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowgacha | 200 | Level 5 Gacha

- lowgacha | 600 | Level 225 Gacha

- gacha | 970 | Neutered Level 449 Gacha

- breedgacha | 1940 | UnNeutered Level 449 Gacha

- gachasaddle | 30 | Basic Gacha Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodgachasaddle | 60 | Good Gacha Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowvelonasaur | 75 | Level 5 Velonasaur

- lowvelonasaur | 500 | Level 225 Velonasaur

- velonasaur | 800 | Neutered Level 449 Velonasaur

- breedvelonasaur | 1600 | UnNeutered Level 449 Velonasaur

- velonasaursaddle | 30 | Basic Velonasaur Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodvelonasaursaddle | 60 | Good Velonasaur Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowrvelonasaur | 100 | Level 5 R-Velonasaur

- lowrvelonasaur | 600 | Level 225 R-Velonasaur

- rvelonasaur | 1000 | Neutered Level 449 R-Velonasaur

- breedrvelonasaur | 2000 | UnNeutered Level 449 R-Velonasaur

- verylowdeinonychus | 75 | Level 5 Deinonychus

- lowdeinonychus | 400 | Level 225 Deinonychus

- deinonychus | 700 | Neutered Level 300 Deinonychus

- breeddeinonychus | 1400 | UnNeutered Level 300 Deinonychus

- deinonychussaddle | 30 | Basic Deinonychus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- gooddeinonychussaddle | 60 | Good Deinonychus Saddle (Quality: 2)



- verylowptera | 50 | Level 5 Pteranodon

- lowptera | 200 | Level 225 Pteranodon

- ptera | 400 | Neutered Level 449 Pteranodon

- breedptera | 800 | UnNeutered Level 449 Pteranodon

- pterasaddle | 30 | Basic Pteranodon Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodpterasaddle | 60 | Good Pteranodon Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowargi | 75 | Level 5 Argentavis

- lowargi | 250 | Level 225 Argentavis

- argi | 500 | Neutered Level 449 Argentavis

- breedargi | 1000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Argentavis

- argisaddle | 30 | Basic Argentavis Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodargisaddle | 60 | Good Argentavis Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowxtape | 100 | Level 5 X-Tapejara

- lowxtape | 300 | Level 225 X-Tapejara

- xtape | 600 | Neutered Level 449 X-Tapejara

- breedxtape | 1200 | UnNeutered Level 449 X-Tapejara

- xtapesaddle | 30 | Basic X-Tapejara Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodxtapesaddle | 60 | Good X-Tapejara Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowsnowowl | 100 | Level 5 Snow Owl

- lowsnowowl | 600 | Level 225 Snow Owl

- snowowl | 850 | Neutered Level 449 Snow Owl

- breedsnowowl | 1700 | UnNeutered Level 449 Snow Owl

- snowowlsaddle | 30 | Basic Snow Owl Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodsnowowlsaddle | 60 | Good Snow Owl Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowquetz | 250 | Level 5 Quetzalcoatlus

- lowquetz | 975 | Level 225 Quetzalcoatlus

- quetz | 1500 | Neutered Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus

- breedquetz | 3000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Quetzalcoatlus

- quetzsaddle | 30 | Basic Quetzalcoatlus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodquetzsaddle | 60 | Good Quetzalcoatlus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- quetzplatsaddle | 60 | Basic Platform Quetzalcoatlus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodquetzplatsaddle | 100 | Good Platform Quetzalcoatlus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowtekquetz | 300 | Level 6 Tek Quetzalcoatlus

- lowtekquetz | 1250 | Level 270 Tek Quetzalcoatlus

- tekquetz | 2200 | Neutered Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus

- breedtekquetz | 4400 | UnNeutered Level 538 Tek Quetzalcoatlus

- verylowrquetz | 275 | Level 5 R-Quetzalcoatlus

- lowrquetz | 1000 | Level 225 R-Quetzalcoatlus

- rquetz | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 R-Quetzalcoatlus

- breedrquetz | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 R-Quetzalcoatlus

- verylowgriffin | 100 | Level 5 Griffin

- lowgriffin | 460 | Level 225 Griffin

- griffin | 975 | Neutered Level 449 Griffin

- lowfirewyvern | 975 | Level 200 Fire Wyvern

- firewyvern | 1700 | Neutered Level 380 Fire Wyvern

- lowlightningwyvern | 975 | Level 200 Lightning Wyvern

- lightningwyvern | 1700 | Neutered Level 380 Lightning Wyvern

- lowpoisonwyvern | 975 | Level 200 Poison Wyvern

- poisonwyvern | 1700 | Neutered Level 380 Poison Wyvern

- lowicewyvern | 975 | Level 200 Ice Wyvern

- icewyvern | 1700 | Neutered Level 380 Ice Wyvern

- lowtropicalwyvern | 1000 | Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical)

- tropicalwyvern | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical)

- breedtropicalwyvern | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Tropical)

- lowbloodwyvern | 1000 | Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Blood)

- bloodwyvern | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Blood)

- breedbloodwyvern | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Blood)

- lowemberwyvern | 1000 | Level 225 Crystal Wyvern (Ember)

- emberwyvern | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Ember)

- breedemberwyvern | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Crystal Wyvern (Ember)

- verylowtropeognathus | 250 | Level 5 Tropeognathus

- lowtropeognathus | 1000 | Level 225 Tropeognathus

- tropeognathus | 2500 | Neutered Level 449 Tropeognathus

- breedtropeognathus | 5000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Tropeognathus

- tropeognathussaddle | 30 | Basic Tropeognathus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodtropeognathussaddle | 60 | Good Tropeognathus Saddle (Quality: 2)



- verylowgasbag | 75 | Level 5 Gasbag

- lowgasbag | 400 | Level 225 Gasbag

- gasbag | 650 | Neutered Level 449 Gasbag

- breedgasbag | 1300 | UnNeutered Level 449 Gasbag

- gasbagsaddle | 30 | Basic Gasbag Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodgasbagsaddle | 60 | Good Gasbag Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowrockdrake | 200 | Level 5 Rock Drake

- lowrockdrake | 1000 | Level 200 Rock Drake

- rockdrake | 1900 | Neutered Level 380 Rock Drake

- rockdrakesaddle | 30 | Basic Rock Drake Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodrockdrakesaddle | 60 | Good Rock Drake Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowmanagarmr | 250 | Level 5 Managarmr

- lowmanagarmr | 1000 | Level 200 Managarmr

- managarmr | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Managarmr

- breedmanagarmr | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Managarmr

- managarmrsaddle | 30 | Basic Managarmr Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmanagarmrsaddle | 60 | Good Managarmr Saddle (Quality: 2)




- verylowangler | 75 | Level 5 Anglerfish

- lowangler | 300 | Level 225 Anglerfish

- angler | 600 | Neutered Level 449 Anglerfish

- breedangler | 600 | UnNeutered Level 449 Anglerfish

- verylowmegalodon | 75 | Level 5 Megalodon

- lowmegalodon | 350 | Level 225 Megalodon

- megalodon | 600 | Neutered Level 449 Megalodon

- breedmegalodon | 1200 | UnNeutered Level 449 Megalodon

- megalodonsaddle | 30 | Basic Megalodon Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmegalodonsaddle | 60 | Good Megalodon Saddle (Quality: 2) - verylowichthy | 25 | Level 5 Ichthyosaurus

- lowichthy | 200 | Level 225 Ichthyosaurus

- ichthy | 400 | Neutered Level 449 Ichthyosaurus

- breedichthy | 800 | UnNeutered Level 449 Ichthyosaurus

- ichthysaddle | 30 | Basic Ichthyosaurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodichthysaddle | 60 | Good Ichthyosaurus Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowmosa | 75 | Level 5 X-Mosasaurus

- lowmosa | 600 | Level 225 X-Mosasaurus

- mosa | 1200 | Neutered Level 449 X-Mosasaurus

- breedmosa | 2400 | UnNeutered Level 449 X-Mosasaurus

- mosasaddle | 30 | Basic Mosasaurus Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmosasaddle | 60 | Good Mosasaurus Saddle (Quality: 2)



- bp_mek | 1000 | Unassembled Mek Blueprint (1 Charge) (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmek | 3000 | Unassembled Mek Blueprint (1 Charge) (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmek | 5000 | Unassembled Mek Blueprint (1 Charge) (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmek | 7000 | Unassembled Mek Blueprint (1 Charge) (Quality: 10)

- verylowbloodstalker | 250 | Level 5 Bloodstalker

- lowbloodstalker | 975 | Level 225 Bloodstalker

- bloodstalker | 1500 | Neutered Level 449 Bloodstalker

- breedbloodstalker | 3000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Bloodstalker

- verylowmagmasaur | 250 | Level 5 Magmasaur

- lowmagmasaur | 1400 | Level 200 Magmasaur

- magmasaur | 2000 | Neutered Level 380 Magmasaur

- breedmagmasaur | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 380 Magmasaur

- magmasaursaddle | 30 | Basic Magmasaur Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmagmasaursaddle | 60 | Good Magmasaur Saddle (Quality: 2)

*Warning element required to maintain a Ferox

- verylowferox | 250 | Level 5 Ferox

- lowferox | 1400 | Level 225 Ferox

- ferox | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Ferox

- breedferox | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Ferox

- verylowastrocetus | 850 | Level 5 Astrocetus

- lowastrocetus | 4750 | Level 225 Astrocetus

- astrocetus | 8000 | Level 449 Astrocetus

- verylowmaewing | 75 | Level 5 Maewing

- lowmaewing | 400 | Level 225 Maewing

- maewing | 900 | Neutered Level 449 Maewing

- breedmaewing | 1800 | UnNeutered Level 449 Maewing

- maewingsaddle | 30 | Basic Maewing Saddle (Quality: 0)

- goodmaewingsaddle | 60 | Good Maewing Saddle (Quality: 2)

- verylowshadowmane | 300 | Level 5 Shadowmane

- lowshadowmane | 975 | Level 225 Shadowmane

- shadowmane | 2000 | Neutered Level 449 Shadowmane

- breedshadowmane | 4000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Shadowmane

- verylownoglin | 700 | Level 5 Noglin

- lownoglin | 4000 | Level 225 Noglin

- noglin | 8000 | Neutered Level 449 Noglin

- verylowvoidwyrm | 350 | Level 5 Voidwyrm

- lowvoidwyrm | 1100 | Level 200 Voidwyrm

- voidwyrm | 3000 | Neutered Level 380 Voidwyrm

- breedvoidwyrm | 6000 | UnNeutered Level 380 Voidwyrm

- verylowstryder | 700 | Level 5 Stryder (Random Mod)

- lowstryder | 5000 | Level 225 Stryder (Random Mod)

- stryder | 10000 | Level 449 Stryder (Random Mod)

- verylowastro | 600 | Level 5 Astrodelphis

- lowastro | 2000 | Level 225 Astrodelphis

- astro | 4500 | Neutered Level 449 Astrodelphis

- breedastro | 9000 | UnNeutered Level 449 Astrodelphis



- phoenix | 7000 | Level 500 Phoenix


Therizinosaur Saddle


- bp_therisaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtherisaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictherisaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentherisaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Mantis Saddle

- bp_mantissaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmantissaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmantissaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmantissaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Deinonychus Saddle

- bp_deinosaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_gooddeinosaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicdeinosaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legendeinosaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Equus Saddle

- bp_equussaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodequussaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicequussaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenequussaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Pteranodon Saddle

- bp_pterasaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodpterasaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicpterasaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenpterasaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Argentavis Saddle

- bp_argisaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodargisaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicargisaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenargisaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Rex Saddle

- bp_rexsaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodrexsaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicrexsaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenrexsaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Yutyrannus Saddle

- bp_yutysaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodyutysaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicyutysaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenyutysaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Megatherium Saddle

- bp_megatheriumsaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmegatheriumsaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmegatheriumsaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmegatheriumsaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Spinosaur Saddle

- bp_spinosaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodspinosaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicspinosaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenspinosaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Velonasaur Saddle

- bp_velonasaursaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodvelonasaursaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicvelonasaursaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenvelonasaursaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Arthropluera Saddle

- bp_arthrosaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodarthrosaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicarthrosaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenarthrosaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Snow Owl Saddle

- bp_snowowlsaddle | 400 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodsnowowlsaddle | 800 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicsnowowlsaddle | 1800 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legensnowowlsaddle | 3500 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Carbonemys Saddle

- bp_carbosaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodcarbosaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epiccarbosaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legencarbosaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Triceratops Saddle

- bp_trikesaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtrikesaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictrikesaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentrikesaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Stegosaurus Saddle

- bp_stegosaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodstegosaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicstegosaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenstegosaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Rock Elemental Saddle

- bp_rockelementalsaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodrockelementalsaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicrockelementalsaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenrockelementalsaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Carbonemys Saddle

- bp_carbonemyssaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodcarbonemyssaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epiccarbonemyssaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legencarbonemyssaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Platform Quetzalcoatlus Saddle

- bp_quetzplatsaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodquetzplatsaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicquetzplatsaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenquetzplatsaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Platform Paraceratherium Saddle

- bp_paracerplatsaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodparacerplatsaddle | 1000 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicparacerplatsaddle | 2500 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenparacerplatsaddle | 4000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Giganotosaurus Saddle

- bp_gigasaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodgigasaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicgigasaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legengigasaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Managarmr Saddle

- bp_manasaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmanasaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmanasaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmanasaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Magmasaur Saddle

- bp_magmasaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmagmasaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmagmasaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmagmasaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Megachelon Platform Saddle

- bp_megachelonplatsaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmegachelonplatsaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmegachelonplatsaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmegachelonplatsaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Basilisk Saddle

- bp_basilisksaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodbasilisksaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicbasilisksaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenbasilisksaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Tusoteuthis Saddle

- bp_tusosaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodtusosaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epictusosaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legentusosaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)

Mosasaur Platform Saddle

- bp_mosaplatsaddle | 500 | Basic (Quality: 1)

- bp_goodmosaplatsaddle | 1500 | Good (Quality: 3)

- bp_epicmosaplatsaddle | 3000 | Epic (Quality: 5)

- bp_legenmosaplatsaddle | 5000 | Legendary (Quality: 10)